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Document Date Type Title Stock Code Company
2007/06/04 Circulars Circular (Proposed termination of existing share option scheme, proposed adoption of a new share option scheme, proposed grant of general mandates to issue and repurchase shares, proposed re-election of directors & notice of AGM) China Netcom Technology Holdings Limited
2007/06/04 Proxy Forms Proxy Form Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited
2007/06/04 Announcement Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited
2007/06/04 Circulars Circular (Proposed issue of US$40 million 1% convertible bonds due 2012) Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited
2007/06/04 Announcement Placing of Existing Shares, Subscription of New Shares and Resumption of Trading 00009 Nine Express Limited
2007/06/04 Announcement Unusual Increase in Share Price and Trading Volume FAVA International Holdings Limited
2007/06/04 Changes in Directorships Resignation of Directors 0632 Pearl Oriental Innovation Limited
2007/06/01 Changes in Directorships Resignation and Appointment of Independent Non-executive Director China Properties Investment Holdings Limited
2007/06/01 Changes in Directorships Change of Directors 3389 Hengdeli Holdings Limited
2007/06/01 Announcement Announcement 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2007/06/01 Announcement Change of Auditors 0632 Pearl Oriental Innovation Limited
2007/06/01 Announcement Monthly Announcement in Respect of the Convertible Loan Agreement 00706 Beautiful China Holdings Company Ltd
2007/06/01 Announcement Injunction Order Extended By Court And Clarification Announcement 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2007/06/01 Press Release MEC Enters Agreement to Acquire Further Mine Areas 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/06/01 Announcement Appointment of Auditors 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2007/05/31 Announcement Retirement and Appointment of Directors 0765 Perfectech International Holdings Limited
2007/05/30 Announcement Announcement Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2007/05/30 Announcement Very Substantial Acquisition of Further Mine Areas of Around 32,000 Hectares in Western Mongolia. Change to one Condition Precedent for Completion under Initial Acquisition in Western Mongolia of Initial Mine Areas of Over 34,000 Hectares and Resumption o 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/05/30 Announcement Announcement 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2007/05/30 Changes in Directorships Changes in Directorships 1126 Dream International Limited
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