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Document Date Type Title Stock Code Company
2007/09/18 Share Buyback Reports (Revised) Form of Share Buyback Report to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Form G) Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited
2007/09/18 Announcement Suspension of Trading 00009 Nine Express Limited
2007/09/18 Announcement Placing of Existing Shares, Subscription of New Shares and Resumption of Trading 00009 Nine Express Limited
2007/09/18 Announcement Suspension of Trading FAVA International Holdings Limited
2007/09/18 Announcement Letter of Intent in Respect of the Proposed Acquisition of Manufacturing and Wholesaling Business of Jixiangniao Furniture Factory and Resumption of Trading FAVA International Holdings Limited
2007/09/18 Announcement Clarification Announcement 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/09/18 Announcement Discloseable Transaction : Acquisition of Tianjin ATM Company and Resumption of Trading 00706 Beautiful China Holdings Company Ltd
2007/09/18 Announcement Results of the Special General Meeting Held on 18 September 2007 8016 Changhong Jiahua Holdings Limited
2007/09/18 Announcement Suspension and Resumption of Trading 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/09/17 Share Buyback Reports Form of Share Buyback Report to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Form G) Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited
2007/09/17 Announcement Unusual Price and Trading Volume Movements China Properties Investment Holdings Limited
2007/09/17 Announcement Clarification Announcement and Resumption of Trading 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/09/17 Announcement Major and Connected Transaction and Continuing Connected Transactions 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2007/09/15 Interim Report Interim Report 2007 0676 Pegasus International Holdings Limited
2007/09/15 Results Announcement Interim Results/Dividend or Distribution/Closure of Books or Change of Book Closure Period Announcements of Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30th June, 2007 0676 Pegasus International Holdings Limited
2007/09/14 Share Buyback Reports Form of Share Buyback Report to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Form G) Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited
2007/09/14 1st Quarterly Report First Quarterly Report 2007 8016 Changhong Jiahua Holdings Limited
2007/09/14 Announcement Further Delay in Despatch of Circular 2349 China Water Property Group Limited
2007/09/14 Changes in Directorships Changes in Directors 0928 Tack Fat Group International Limited
2007/09/14 Proxy Forms Final Dividend for the Year Ended 31 March 2007 (ˇ§Dividendˇ¨) ˇX Scrip Share Election Form 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
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