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Document Date Type Title Stock Code Company
2008/03/04 Announcement Notice of Annual General Meeting China Netcom Technology Holdings Limited
2008/03/04 Announcement Major and Connected Transaction and Resumption of Trading 0673 China Health Group Limited
2008/03/04 Announcement Unusual Trading Volume 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2008/03/03 Announcement Monthly Announcement in Respect of the Convertible Loan Agreement 00706 Beautiful China Holdings Company Ltd
2008/03/03 Announcement Unusual Price Movement 00706 Beautiful China Holdings Company Ltd
2008/03/03 Announcement Update on Joint Venture Acquisition of Energy and Related Resources Projects in Xinjiang, China 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2008/03/03 Announcement Joint Announcement Proposed Transfer of the Entire Interest in Cyber On-air Group Limited By Int¡¦l Entertainment Corp to New World Mobile Hold Ltd Extension of the Long Stop Date of the Agreement 0862 Vision Values Holdings Limited
2008/03/01 Announcement Overseas Regulartory Announcement 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2008/02/29 Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.
2008/02/29 Announcement Completion of Major Transaction 0928 Tack Fat Group International Limited
2008/02/29 Announcement Announcement Further Extension of Long Stop Date in Relation to the Tree Acquisition Agreement, the Properties Acquisition Agreement and the CB Placing Agreement 0295 Kong Sun Holdings Limited
2008/02/29 Announcement Voluntary Disclosure Major Transaction Consideration Issue 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2008/02/29 Announcement Announcement 8126 G.A. Holdings Limited
2008/02/29 Announcement Suspension Announcement 0673 China Health Group Limited
2008/02/29 Proxy Forms Extraordinary General Meeting Form of Proxy 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2008/02/29 Circulars Very Substantial Acquisition and Placing of New Shares 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2008/02/28 Changes in Directorships Change of Directorship China Properties Investment Holdings Limited
2008/02/28 Notices of General Meetings Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2008/02/28 Announcement Despatch of Circular 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2008/02/27 Announcement Overseas regulatory announcement quarterly report for the quarter ended 31 December 2007 and preliminary annual results for the year ended 31 December 2007 of Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited 00137 Jinhui Holdings Company Limited
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