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Document Date Type Title Stock Code Company
2014/06/30 Results Announcement Announcement of Final Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2014 0673 China Health Group Limited
2014/06/30 Announcement Supplementary Agreement to the Amendment Agreement in Relation to Redemption of the Preference Shares 0673 China Health Group Limited
2014/06/30 Announcement Announcement of Annual Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2014 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2014/06/30 Notices of General Meetings Notice of Annual General Meeting 8060 Global Link Communications Holdings Limited
2014/06/30 Proxy Forms Form of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting to Be Held on 8 August 2014 (or Any Adjournment Thereof) 8060 Global Link Communications Holdings Limited
2014/06/30 Circulars General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares and Re-election of Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting 8060 Global Link Communications Holdings Limited
2014/06/30 Annual Report Annual Report 2013/14 8060 Global Link Communications Holdings Limited
2014/06/27 Results Announcement Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2014 China Properties Investment Holdings Limited
2014/06/27 Results of General Meetings Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting Held on 27 June 2014 00706 Beautiful China Holdings Company Ltd
2014/06/26 Announcement Overseas Regulatory Announcement Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.
2014/06/26 Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE 2013 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.
2014/06/26 Circulars THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.
2014/06/26 Results Announcement Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 March 2014 8060 Global Link Communications Holdings Limited
2014/06/26 Next Day Disclosure Return Next Day Disclosure Return China Properties Investment Holdings Limited
2014/06/26 Announcement Conversion of Convertible Bonds and Issue of Bonus Warrants China Properties Investment Holdings Limited
2014/06/25 Announcement OVERSEAS REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENT Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.
2014/06/25 Announcement Announcement in relation to regulating the relevant undertaking given by the Controlling Shareholder Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.
2014/06/25 Annual Report Annual Report 2014 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2014/06/25 Circulars Letter to Existing Registered Shareholders and Change Request Form - Notice of Publication of (1) Annual Report 2013/2014; (2) Circular Dated 25 June 2014; and (3) Proxy Form 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2014/06/25 Announcement Conversion of Convertible Bonds and Issue of Bonus Warrants China Properties Investment Holdings Limited
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