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Document Date Type Title Stock Code Company
2006/12/20 Interim Report Interin Report 2006/07 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2006/12/20 Results of General Meetings Discloseable and Connected Transactions Relating to the Establishment of Zhejiang Limited and Amendments to the Articles of Association Discloseable and Connected Transactions Relating to the Formation of the JV and Entering into of the Master Agreement 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2006/12/20 Interim Report Interim Report 06/07 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2006/12/20 Results Announcement Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 September 2006 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2006/12/20 Interim Report INTERIM REPORT 2006/2007 00306 Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Limited
2006/12/20 Results Announcement INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2006 00306 Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Limited
2006/12/20 Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT RELATING TO LISTING RULE 13.18 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2006/12/19 Changes in Directorships Appointment and Resignation of Executive Director and Change of Company Secretary 8016 Changhong Jiahua Holdings Limited
2006/12/19 Announcement UNUSUAL PRICE AND VOLUME MOVEMENTS 00381 Kiu Hung International Holdings Limited
2006/12/18 Results Announcement Interim Results Announcement 2006 0632 Pearl Oriental Innovation Limited
2006/12/18 Interim Report Interim Report 2006 0632 Pearl Oriental Innovation Limited
2006/12/18 Changes in Directorships (1) Completion of Subscription Agreement and (2) Appointment of Directors 00706 Beautiful China Holdings Company Ltd
2006/12/18 Announcement Change of Auditors 2349 China Water Property Group Limited
2006/12/18 Announcement Framework Agreement in Respect of the Proposed Investment and Suspension and Resumption of Trading 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2006/12/18 Interim Report Interim Report 2006/07 0928 Tack Fat Group International Limited
2006/12/18 Results Announcement Interim Results Announcement For The Six Months Ended 30 September 2006 0928 Tack Fat Group International Limited
2006/12/17 Interim Report Interim Report 2006 3389 Hengdeli Holdings Limited
2006/12/15 Notices of General Meetings Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting 0862 Vision Values Holdings Limited
2006/12/15 Circulars Special Deals, Very Substantial Disposal and Connected Transaction (i) Proposed Disposal of the Entire Issued Share Capital of, and Loan to, Upper Start Holdings Limited; and (ii) Proposed Special Dividend 0862 Vision Values Holdings Limited
2006/12/15 Proxy Forms Form of Proxy for Use at the Extraordinary General Meeting (or at Any Adjournment Thereof) 0862 Vision Values Holdings Limited
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