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Document Date Type Title Stock Code Company
2015/11/26 Announcement Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2015/11/26 Proxy Forms Proxy Form for Use at the Extraordinary General Meeting to Be Held on Monday, 14 December 2015 (or Any Adjourment Thereof) 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2015/11/26 Circulars (1) Proposed Subscription of New Shares Under Specific Mandate and (2) Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2015/11/25 Next Day Disclosure Return Next Day Disclosure Return 00009 Nine Express Limited
2015/11/25 Announcement Completion of Placing of New Shares Under General Mandate and Adjustment to Subscription Price of the Existing Warrants 00009 Nine Express Limited
2015/11/25 Announcement Extension of Exclusivity Period of Letter of Intent in Relation to the Proposed Acquisition Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2015/11/20 Announcement Discloseable Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of Entire Issued Share Capital of J.A.F Brokerage Limited China Properties Investment Holdings Limited
2015/11/20 Announcement Change of Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2015/11/20 Announcement Early and Partial Redemption of Promissory Notes China Properties Investment Holdings Limited
2015/11/18 Announcement Major Transaction - Facilities Guarantees Under the Guarantee Agreement 8126 G.A. Holdings Limited
2015/11/18 Circulars Letter to New Registered Shareholders and Reply Form-Election of means of receipt of Corporate Communication 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2015/11/18 Circulars Letter to Existing Registered Shareholders and Change Request Form-Notice of Publication of Interim Report 2015 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2015/11/17 Announcement Profit Warning 0673 China Health Group Limited
2015/11/17 Announcement Date of Board Meeting 0673 China Health Group Limited
2015/11/17 Announcement Major and Connected Transaction Sale and Purchase Agreement in Respect of Acquisition of 49% of the Entire Issued Share Capital of the Target Company Involving the Issue of Convertible Notes Under Specific Mandate 00009 Nine Express Limited
2015/11/16 Announcement List of Directors and Their Roles and Functions 8126 G.A. Holdings Limited
2015/11/16 Announcement Change in Executive Director, Company Secretary, Authorised Representative and Independent Non-executive Director 8126 G.A. Holdings Limited
2015/11/16 Announcement Change of Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong 0361 Sino Golf Holdings Limited
2015/11/16 Announcement Profit Warning China Properties Investment Holdings Limited
2015/11/16 Announcement Notice of Board Meeting 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
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