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Document Date Type Title Stock Code Company
2005/07/13 Announcement Announcement 0416 GST Holdings Limited
2005/07/13 Results Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT OF FINAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2005 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2005/07/13 Annual Report 2005 ANNUAL REPORT 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2005/07/04 Company Information Sheet Company Profile (as of 30/06/2005) 8081 Computech Holdings Limited
2005/06/29 Announcement Termination of Agreement 00009 Nine Express Limited
2005/06/29 Announcement Transfer of Existing Shares By the Controlling Shareholder 8081 Computech Holdings Limited
2005/06/29 IPO Alloment Results IPO Allotment Results 0416 GST Holdings Limited
2005/06/28 Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2005/06/28 Announcement COMPLETION OF THE PLACING OF 116,740,000 OF NEW SHARES 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2005/06/24 Results of General Meetings The Supply Agreement and the Proposed Caps in Relation to the Continuing Connected Transactions Voting Results of the Egm 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2005/06/24 Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2005/06/24 Circulars EXPIRY OF SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS ATTACHING TO THE WARRANTS 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2005/06/23 Announcement EXPIRY OF SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS ATTACHING TO THE WARRANTS 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2005/06/21 Announcement Joint Announcement Results of the Unconditional Mandatory General Offer Made By G.k. Goh Securities (H.K.) Limited on Behalf of Geely Group Limited to Acquire All the Issued Shares in Geely Automobile Holdings Limited (other Than Those Shares Already Bene 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2005/06/21 Announcement Clarification Announcement 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2005/06/20 Prospectuses Prospectuses 0416 GST Holdings Limited
2005/06/20 Announcement Global Offering 0416 GST Holdings Limited
2005/06/20 Changes in Directorships Announcement Resignation of Executive Director 0641 Fong's Industries Company Limited
2005/06/16 Announcement PLACING OF NEW SHARES AND RESUMPTION OF TRADING 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2005/06/13 Announcement Announcement 8081 Computech Holdings Limited
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