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Document Date Type Title Stock Code Company
2007/12/28 Announcement Appointment of auditors 00137 Jinhui Holdings Company Limited
2007/12/28 Interim Report Interim Report 2007 0632 Pearl Oriental Innovation Limited
2007/12/28 Interim Report Interim Report 2007/2008 00306 Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Limited
2007/12/28 Interim Report Interim Report 07/08 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2007/12/28 Announcement Result of the Extraordinary General Meeting Held on 28 December 2007 0928 Tack Fat Group International Limited
2007/12/28 Announcement Delay in Despatch of the Circular 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2007/12/28 Announcement Suspension of Trading 0862 Vision Values Holdings Limited
2007/12/27 Changes in Directorships Resignation of Director and Change of Authorised Representative 8060 Global Link Communications Holdings Limited
2007/12/27 Announcement Announcement 00706 Beautiful China Holdings Company Ltd
2007/12/27 Announcement Continuing Connected Transaction 0641 Fong's Industries Company Limited
2007/12/27 Interim Report Interim Report 2007 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2007/12/27 Interim Report Interim Report 2007 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/12/24 Announcement Suspension of Trading 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2007/12/24 Notices of General Meetings Notice of the Special General Meeting 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/12/24 Proxy Forms Form of Proxy for Special General Meeting 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/12/24 Circulars Major Transaction: Disposal of the Entire Interest in BAA Jet Management Limited 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/12/23 Results Announcement Final Results Announcement for the Year Ended 30 September 2007 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2007/12/23 Notices of General Meetings Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2007/12/23 Proxy Forms Form of Proxy 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2007/12/23 Circulars (1) Refreshment of General Mandates; (2) Refreshment of the Scheme Mandate Limit; and (3) Proposed Change of Company Name 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
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