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Document Date Type Title Stock Code Company
2005/11/02 Notices of General Meetings NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2005/10/30 Press Release Xinyu Hengdeli Holdings Limited Appointed as the PRC Distributor of DUNHILL Watches 3389 Hengdeli Holdings Limited
2005/10/28 Announcement Notice of Board of Directors' Meeting 8081 Computech Holdings Limited
2005/10/26 Changes in Directorships Change in directorship 00137 Jinhui Holdings Company Limited
2005/10/18 Changes in Directorships Resignation of an Executive Director 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2005/10/12 Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2005/10/03 Changes in Directorships Resignation of Executive Director and Joint Managing Director 0641 Fong's Industries Company Limited
2005/09/29 Interim Report Interim Report 2005 00009 Nine Express Limited
2005/09/26 Press Release Xinyu Hengdeli Holdings Limited Commenced Trading with Satisfactory Performance 3389 Hengdeli Holdings Limited
2005/09/26 Interim Report Intreim Report 2005 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2005/09/23 Press Release Xinyu Hengdeli Holdings Limited Recorded Satisfactory Subscription & Public Offer Results 3389 Hengdeli Holdings Limited
2005/09/23 Interim Report Interim Report 2005 0361 Sino Golf Holdings Limited
2005/09/23 Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2005/09/22 Results Announcement Announcement of Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30th June, 2005 00009 Nine Express Limited
2005/09/22 Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2005/09/21 Announcement Announcement 8081 Computech Holdings Limited
2005/09/17 Results Announcement Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2004 0361 Sino Golf Holdings Limited
2005/09/16 Circulars Discloseable transaction placing of 9.4% existing shares of a subsidiary, Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited 00137 Jinhui Holdings Company Limited
2005/09/15 Announcement Announcement 8081 Computech Holdings Limited
2005/09/15 Changes in Directorships Resignation and Appointment of Directors 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
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