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Document Date Type Title Stock Code Company
2008/04/20 Annual Report Annual Report 2007 0416 GST Holdings Limited
2008/04/20 Proxy Forms Proxy Form 0416 GST Holdings Limited
2008/04/20 Circulars Proposal for Re-election of Directors Proposed General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares and Notice of Annual General Meeting 0416 GST Holdings Limited
2008/04/20 Notices of General Meetings AGM Notice 0416 GST Holdings Limited
2008/04/18 Announcement Completion of Very Substantial Acquisition in Relation to the Acquisition of Property Interest in Chengdu 00009 Nine Express Limited
2008/04/18 Results Announcement Results Announcement for the year ended 31 December 2007 1126 Dream International Limited
2008/04/18 Announcement Clarification Announcement 0765 Perfectech International Holdings Limited
2008/04/18 Results of General Meetings Results of the Extraordinary General Meeting Held on 18 April 2008 0862 Vision Values Holdings Limited
2008/04/18 Announcement Form of Share Buyback Report to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited - Form G 0641 Fong's Industries Company Limited
2008/04/17 Announcement Announcement on the Listing of Tradable Shares with Selling Restrictions Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.
2008/04/17 Announcement Announcement Unusual Share Price and Trading Volume Movements China Netcom Technology Holdings Limited
2008/04/17 Announcement Change of Agent for the Service of Process in Hong Kong China Netcom Technology Holdings Limited
2008/04/17 Announcement Notice of Board Meeting 0295 Kong Sun Holdings Limited
2008/04/17 Announcement Announcement Pursuant to Rule 3.7 of the Takeovers Code 0416 GST Holdings Limited
2008/04/17 Announcement Share Buyback Report 0641 Fong's Industries Company Limited
2008/04/17 Announcement Form of Share Buyback Report to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("the Exchange") Form G 0765 Perfectech International Holdings Limited
2008/04/16 Results Announcement Announcement of Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2007 00706 Beautiful China Holdings Company Ltd
2008/04/16 Announcement Major transaction disposal of two vessels 00137 Jinhui Holdings Company Limited
2008/04/16 Announcement Share Buyback Report 0641 Fong's Industries Company Limited
2008/04/16 Results Announcement Anouncement of Final Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2007 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
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