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Document Date Title Stock Code Company
2011/03/03 (002) Oriental City Group_M&A - 001 08219 Oriental City Group Holdings Limited
2011/03/03 (001) Tian Li_M&A 08219 Oriental City Group Holdings Limited
2011/03/03 Form of Acceptance and Transfer of Ordinary Share(s) of HK$0.01 Each in the Issued Share Capital of Oriental City Group Holdings Limited 08219 Oriental City Group Holdings Limited
2011/03/03 For and on Behalf of Tian Li Holdings Limited for All the Issued Shares in Oriental City Group Holdings Limited (other Than Those Already Owned By Tian Li Holdings Limited and Parties Acting in Concert With It) 08219 Oriental City Group Holdings Limited
2011/02/28 Extraordinary General Meeting Form of Proxy 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2011/02/28 Proposal for Capital Reorganisation 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2011/02/24 Form of Proxy China Netcom Technology Holdings Limited
2011/02/24 Proposals for (i) Grant of General Mandates to Issue New Shares and Repurchase Shares; and (ii) Re-election of Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting China Netcom Technology Holdings Limited
2011/02/24 FORM OF PROXY Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited
2011/02/24 (1) Proposed Removal of Director (2) Proposed Amendments to Articles of Association and (3) Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited
2011/02/23 Proxy Form 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2011/02/23 Renewal of the FGG General Scheme Limit Under the FGG Share Option Scheme and Notice of the Vc SGM and Notice of the FGG SGM 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2011/02/23 Proxy Form 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2011/02/23 Termination of the Existing Share Option Scheme, Adoption of the New Share Option Scheme and Notice of SGM 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2011/02/22 Form of Proxy for Use By Shareholders at the Special General Meeting 0673 China Health Group Limited
2011/02/22 Very Substantial Acquisition and Increase in Authorized Share Capital of the Company 0673 China Health Group Limited
2011/01/20 Interim Dividend for the Six Months Ended 30 September 2010 (the "dividend") - Scrip Share Election Form 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2011/01/20 Scrip Dividend Scheme 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2011/01/06 Proxy Form 00009 Nine Express Limited
2011/01/06 Very Substantial Acquisition 00009 Nine Express Limited
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