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Document Date Title Stock Code Company
2013/04/25 Revised Proxy Form 00009 Nine Express Limited
2013/04/24 Form of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting (or Any Adjournment Thereof) 0361 Sino Golf Holdings Limited
2013/04/24 Proposals for General Mandates to Issue New Shares and Repurchase Shares, Re-election and Appointment of Directors and Notice of 2013 Annual General Meeting 0361 Sino Golf Holdings Limited
2013/04/23 Letter to Existing Registered Shareholders and Change Request Form ¡V Notice of Publication of Circular dated 23 April 2013 together with Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting and Proxy Form 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2013/04/23 Letter to Existing Registered Shareholders and Change Request Form ¡V Notice of Publication of Circular dated 23 April 2013 together with Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting and Proxy Form 08219 Oriental City Group Holdings Limited
2013/04/22 Form of Proxy 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2013/04/22 (1) Major and Connected Transaction: Disposal of 30% Equity Interest in Oriental City Group Thailand Limited and (2) Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2013/04/22 Form of Proxy 08219 Oriental City Group Holdings Limited
2013/04/22 (1) Major and Connected Transaction: Disposal of 30% Equity Interest in Oriental City Group Thailand Limited and (2) Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 08219 Oriental City Group Holdings Limited
2013/04/22 Corporate communications of Sino Haijing Holdings Limited (the "Company") Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2013/04/22 Request for Change Form Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2013/04/22 Notification of publication of Corporate Communications on the Company's website Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2013/04/22 Form of Proxy Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2013/04/22 Renewal of General Mandate to Issue and Repurchase shares, Re-election of Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2013/04/18 Proxy Form 00009 Nine Express Limited
2013/04/18 Connected Transaction Issue of Convertible Bonds and Notice of Special General Meeting 00009 Nine Express Limited
2013/04/18 Form of Proxy for Use at the Annual General Meeting Convened to Be Held at Unit 2402, 24/f., Admiralty Centre 1, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong on Tuesday, 18 June 2013, at 10:00 A.m. (and at Any Adjourned Meeting) ("meeting") 00706 Beautiful China Holdings Company Ltd
2013/04/18 General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares, Re-election of Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting 00706 Beautiful China Holdings Company Ltd
2013/04/17 Proxy Form 00009 Nine Express Limited
2013/04/17 (1) Proposed Grant of General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares; (2) Proposed Re-election of Directors; and (3) Notice of Annual General Meeting 00009 Nine Express Limited
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