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Document Date Title Stock Code Company
2013/10/24 Proxy Form 00009 Nine Express Limited
2013/10/24 Connected Transaction Issue of USD80 Million 20% Guaranteed Secured Notes Due 2016 and Notice of Special General Meeting 00009 Nine Express Limited
2013/10/11 Form of Proxy for Annual General Meeting 0862 Vision Values Holdings Limited
2013/10/11 Proposals for Re-election of Retiring Directors, Refreshment of Share Option Scheme Limit, General Mandates to Issue and to Repurchase Shares and Notice of Annual General Meeting 0862 Vision Values Holdings Limited
2013/09/24 Form of Proxy for Extraordinary General Meeting 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2013/09/24 (1) Very Substantial Acquisition and Connected Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital In, and Shareholderˇ¦s Loans to Treasure Join Limited Involving the Issue of Promissory Notes and Convertible Bonds;(2)... 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2013/09/11 Corporate Communication of Sino Haijing Holdings Limited (the "company") Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2013/09/11 Request for Change Form Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2013/09/11 Notification of Publication of Corporate Communication on the Company's Website Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2013/09/11 Form of Proxy for Extraordinary General Meeting 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2013/09/11 (1) Very Substantial Acquisition and Connected Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital In, and Shareholderˇ¦s Loans to Treasure Join Limited Involving the Issue of Promissory Notes and Convertible Bonds; (2) ... 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2013/09/02 Form of Proxy for Extraordinary General Meeting 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2013/09/02 Further Extension of Long Stop Date in Respect of a Major and Connected Transaction 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2013/08/26 Letter to Non-registered Shareholders and Request Form - Notice of publication of Interim Report 2013 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2013/08/26 Letter to Existing Registered Shareholders and Request Form - Notice of Publication of Interim Report 2013 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2013/08/26 Letter to New Shareholders and Reply Form 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2013/08/23 Form of Proxy 8081 Computech Holdings Limited
2013/08/23 Very Substantial Acquisition 8081 Computech Holdings Limited
2013/08/15 Letter to New Registered Shareholders and Reply Form - Election of Means of Receipt of Corporate Communication 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
2013/08/15 Letter to Existing Registered Shareholders and Change Request Form - Notice of Publication of First Quarterly Report 2013 8325 China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited
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