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Document Date Title Stock Code Company
2007/07/31 Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Issue New Shares and to Repurchase Shares of the Company and Proposed Re-election of the Retiring Directors of the Company and Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Company 0673 China Health Group Limited
2007/07/31 Form of Proxy for Use at the Annual General Meeting to Be Held on Tuesday, 18 September 2007 00306 Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Limited
2007/07/31 Proposed Re-election of the Retiring Directors of the Company and Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue New Shares of the Company 00306 Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Limited
2007/07/31 Form of Proxy for Annual General Meeting (or any adjournment thereof) 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2007/07/31 General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares, Renewal of the 10% General Limit on the Grant of Options Under the Share Option Scheme, Re-election of Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting 00304 Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited
2007/07/31 Form of Proxy for Annual General Meeting 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2007/07/31 Renewal of the 10% General Limit on the Grant of Options Under the Share Option Scheme, Proposed Grant of General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares, Re-election of Retiring Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting 0766 Sino Prosper Holdings Limited
2007/07/31 Proxy Form 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2007/07/31 Scrip Dividend Scheme, Proposed Grant of General Mandates to Iss Ue and Repurchase Shares, Re-election of Directors and Notice of the Annual General Meeting 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2007/07/27 Proxy Form 08047 China Neng Xiao Technology (Group) Limited
2007/07/27 (1) Proposals for General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares,(2) Proposed Refreshment of Share Option Scheme Mandate Limit,(3) Re-election of Directors,(4) Proposed Change of Company Name,(5) Proposed Change of Auditors And(6) Notice of AGM 08047 China Neng Xiao Technology (Group) Limited
2007/07/25 Form of Proxy for Annual General Meeting 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/07/25 Proposals for Re-election of Retiring Directors and Refreshment of Share Option Scheme Limit and General Mandates to Issue and Repurchase Shares and Notice of Annual General Meeting 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/07/23 Very Substantial Acquisition and Connected Transaction Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited
2007/07/23 Form of Proxy Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited
2007/07/20 Discloseable Transaction:Khushuut Mine Site Facilities Construction Agreement 0276 Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited
2007/07/13 Form of Proxy for Extraordinary General Meeting to Be Held on Tuesday, 31 July 2007 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2007/07/13 Refreshment of the Scheme Mandate Limit of the Share Option Scheme and Grant of Options 0175 Geely Automobile Holdings Limited
2007/07/13 Form of Proxy 08047 China Neng Xiao Technology (Group) Limited
2007/07/13 (1) Continuing Connected Transaction Involving Revolving Facility to Be Granted By the Company; (2) Dis Closeable and Connected Transaction Involving Exercis E of Option for the Acquisi Tion of Equity Interests in Palmpay Technology Co. Ltd. (¥_¨Ê¤¬Ápµø³q 08047 China Neng Xiao Technology (Group) Limited
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