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Document Date Title Stock Code Company
2009/03/06 Removal of Directors, Appointment of Directors, Grant of General Mandate, Refreshment of Scheme Limit and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2009/03/03 (1) Proposed Change of Company Name; (2) Proposed Amendments to the Bye-laws of the Company; and (3) Proposed Re-election of Directors 00009 Nine Express Limited
2009/03/03 Form of Proxy 00009 Nine Express Limited
2009/02/15 Form of Proxy 2349 China Water Property Group Limited
2009/02/15 Proposed Open Offer in the Proportion of One Offer Share for Every Two Shares Held on the Record Date; Connected Transaction : Loan Capitalisation and Application for Whitewash Waiver 2349 China Water Property Group Limited
2009/02/09 Reply Form Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2009/02/09 Request for Consent to Receive Corporate Communications Via the Companyˇ¦s Website and Election of Language(s) of Corporate Communications Sino Haijing Holdings Limited
2009/01/15 Form of Proxy 00381 Kiu Hung International Holdings Limited
2009/01/15 Proposed Change of Auditors 00381 Kiu Hung International Holdings Limited
2009/01/07 Discloseable Transaction: Disposal of Property China Netcom Technology Holdings Limited
2008/12/30 Form of Proxy 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2008/12/30 Major Disposal and Connected Transaction Involving Disposal of the Entire Equity Interest in KanHan Technologies Inc. 08175 China Digital Licensing (Group) Limited
2008/12/30 Annual General Meeting Form of Proxy 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2008/12/30 General Mandates to Repurchase and Issue Shares, Refreshment of Scheme Limit, Re-election of Directors, and Notice of Annual General Meeting 8128 China Ground Source Energy Limited
2008/12/22 Proposed Rights Issue of Not Less Than 341,831,666 Rights Shares and Not More Than 342,831,666 Rights Shares of HK$0.01 Each at HK$0.439 Per Rights Share Payable in Full on Acceptance (in the Proportion of 1 Rights Share for Every 2 Existing Shares Held O 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
2008/12/08 Form of Proxy for the Special General Meeting (or any adjournment thereof) 0361 Sino Golf Holdings Limited
2008/12/08 Change of Auditors to SHINEWING (HK) CPA Limited 0361 Sino Golf Holdings Limited
2008/12/05 Form of Proxy 8081 Computech Holdings Limited
2008/12/05 Continuing Connected Transactions and Refreshment of General Mandate to Allot and Issue Shares 8081 Computech Holdings Limited
2008/11/13 Proxy Form 0539 Victory City International Holdings Limited
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